Africa400’s Special Guests for Wednesday, November 11 were Shaundretta
Boykins, Juana Williams and Michael Young, owners of Culture Market 614, a Black-owned grocery in Columbus, Ohio. Operating under the slogan “One World, Many Cultures”, their culture-centered, community-oriented store was the first Black-owned grocery in Columbus in 25 years. They discussed their experience as Black entrepreneurs building a business in today’s economy and their vision for their business with hosts Mama Tomiko and Baba Ty.
Listen to the show by visiting our Media Page or by clicking below:
Videos introducing them to the public can be found on their Facebook page,
Africa400 can be heard on the radio every Wednesday afternoon from 2:00-3:00 PM (Eastern Time, United States) on WFBR 1590 AM in Glen Burnie and Baltimore, Maryland. It can also be heard over the Internet on a variety of platforms, including, as well as and After the broadcast, we will post the show in an update of this post as well as on the KUUMBAReport Media Page.