YOUNG, GIFTED and BLACK: Cindy Williams Cribb of Loving Arms Youth Shelter on Africa400, Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Africa400 continued its celebration of Black Women’s History in March as Mama Tomiko and Baba Ty welcomed Cindy Williams Cribb and her husband Darryl Cribb of Loving Arms Youth Shelter on Wednesday, March 24 on HANDRadio. Loving Arms empowers, awakens and restores hope to children, young adults and their families. With an emphasis on minors, who are runaway, homeless and/or unstably housed, and children that are victims of human trafficking. Loving Arms honors dignity in every person who seeks comfort, support or assistance through our programs. In addition, Loving Arms provide short-term emergency shelter, mentoring, case management and other supportive services … Continue reading YOUNG, GIFTED and BLACK: Cindy Williams Cribb of Loving Arms Youth Shelter on Africa400, Wednesday, March 24, 2021