“The End Game: Incarcerating Black Power” on Africa400, Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Africa400 marks the 96th birthday of Malcolm X (May 19- 1925-February 21, 1965) with a discussion of the topic “The End Game: Incarcerating Black Power”

Baba Ty held down the show for Mama Tomiko, who was out of town, and led an engaging, informative and provocative discussion.  For the May 19 show, click below:

Africa400 is broadcast live every Wednesday at 2:00 PM (Eastern Time, United States) on HANDRadio (https://handradio.org).  After the broadcast, the audio of the show can be listened to on HANDRadio’s Podcasts page, the updated version of this post and the Media Pages of KUUMBAReport (https://kuumbareport.com), KUUMBAEvents (https://kuumbaevents.com) and the Sixth Region Diaspora Caucus (https://srdcinternational.org).